48" Subsea Pipeline Flushing - Fujairah
This scope involved the sea water flushing, pressure testing and chemical cleaning of a 48" subsea pipeline in Fujairah.
Action designed and installed a system consisting of pumps, filtration units, power supply and water storage tanks, capable of providing a maximum flow rate of 1,000m3/h at a suction point which was circa 1 km away from the sea. Submersible pumps were installed in the sea, with discharge hoses being directed through the boundary wall and connected to 20ft break tanks. The centrifugal pumps would then use the water stored in these tanks to pump water into the 48" line using a 630mm HDPE discharge line. The 48" line also had a 1/2 inch connection point, through which chemicals were dosed as required using our chemical injection pumps. The operation was conducted 24 hours per day and lasted circa 2 weeks.